Tips on How to Learn Japanese Fast

Tips on How to Learn Japanese Fast

Japanese is an incredibly interesting language that creates access to a diverse culture, entertainment, and business. Mastering Japanese is not an easy feat, but there are definite ways to fast track your Japanese learning process.

The path to Japanese fluency effectively and efficiently

Start with the basics

The basic Tips to Learn Japanese fast involve familiarity with its systems of writing. The foundation will assist you in reading and writing simple Japanese language. Devote time to studying these scripts with much attention to detail. It is recommended that they be written repeatedly, and many mobile apps are available for quicker recognition activities. Listen to the texts even if you don’t understand their meaning yet.

Immerse yourself in sound

Japanese pronunciation is not as complex as many other languages. Japanese content should be listened to at least once a day. Do not watch anime with subtitles. Listen to Japanese podcasts during your ride to and from work/school. You can listen to Japanese music and at least attempt to sing the lyrics. Language involves a lot of rhythm and pitch; hence, your ears need to get used to this. Speaking practice should begin at the first lesson, even if all you do is repeat words you’ve just learned.

Build your vocabulary strategically

It is better to learn words in use and, as such, avoid memorizing lists of words. When in front of the word wall, the first thing to do is to focus on high frequency words. Learn relevant vocabulary you need for your occupation or hobbies. If you fancy food preparation, familiarize yourself with the terms used in the kitchen. If you have a technological interest, focus on technological terms. Spaced repetition software should be used to review words.

Develop reading skills

Start with children’s books and then work their way up to more challenging books.  Use sources of Japanese novice news websites to find the information. Read out loud to enhance your reading ability and pronunciation of words accurately. In search of bilingual texts to make the necessary checks. You don’t need to get every word said when the lesson begins. The first step is to concentrate on getting the main ideas only.

Leverage technology wisely

Japanese fluency

Language learning apps must be used daily, but they should not be the only way to learn. Become a member of online Japanese learning groups. Teach vocabulary using flashcards on the computer. Meet language exchange partners online. Take practice with language learning chatbots. Speak aloud, record yourself, and then listen to the recordings to find out how closely you came to pronouncing words as the natives do.

Stay motivated and consistent

Come up with achievable weekly targets in your learning. Compare the scores often. Take time to note and congratulate yourself on the little accomplishments you make in learning. Engage the other Japanese learners if you lack the motivation to do the work independently. Motivating yourself after certain learning barriers have been conquered is also important. Also, be aware that the consistency is much more important than the rates of repetitions.


An effective way to learn to speak Japanese is to prefer more than one study method and practice repetitively. It is encouraging to learn patience, and perseverance pays off in learning the Japanese language. If you follow the steps, you will find learning the Japanese language easier than you ever thought possible.